11.5% of Columbia County’s population of 60,000 struggles with food insecurity

16.5% of Columbia County children are hungry

OVER 1600 nutrient rich, cost-free meals are cooked and delivered every week 
to 26 towns and the city of Hudson

Families and individuals throughout Columbia County struggle with food insecurity every day.

CCRK, a  501-c3, volunteer-driven organization prepares and delivers meals to adults and children throughout the county. 

Recipients are referred by social service agencies including DSS, Columbia County public school counselors, Columbia Opportunities’ Head Start, the Hudson Youth Center, the Columbia County Sanctuary Movement, Office on the Aging, medical offices, neighbors or self-referrals.

Farmers donate produce, and chefs Tommy Carlucci and Kathy Silliman manage five teams of fifteen volunteer cooks, who cook and package over 1500 healthy meals a week. 

Volunteer drivers then deliver the meals every weekday.

Join Our Volunteer Initiative

Keeping our organization running smoothly requires a diverse group of individuals with a variety of skills and abilities, from graphic designers to grant writers, fund raisers to technical support. To get involved, contact us today.

Make A Donation

We Need Your Support

Your tax-deductible donation allows us to provide nutrition-rich, balanced meals to our Columbia County neighbors in need. Our community’s generosity has been inspiring; however, CCRK needs additional funding to continue.